Analytics & Reporting

Numbers don’t lie.

Promoting your practice through different channels is only half of what marketing entails. You also have to know what’s working and what isn’t. We’ll review your analytics on a regular basis to ensure your marketing is effective and that you are getting the most out of the money being spent.
orthodontist analytics
Monthly Reporting

Each month, one of our analytics experts will provide you with an easy-to-understand metrics review that explains and assesses your marketing activity.

Website Analytics

While we utilize Google Analytics for advanced monitoring, your website can include a simplified analytics dashboard for review at any time.

Advertising Analytics

We monitor your ad stats regularly and provide a monthly report that shows your click-through cost and overall effectiveness of your online advertising.

A variety of data is available for each social media network. We will weed through what’s important and what's not to provide you with the more relevant information.

Email Analytics

Statistics such as open rates and click-through rates will show us if your emails are being well-received and suggest what adjustments should to be made.

Call Monitoring

Knowing what activity your audience was engaged in just before calling you provides valuable info we can track and analyze to help maximize ROI.

Website Visitors

Our advanced tracking software allows our team to review archived videos of actual visitors to your website in an effort to evaluate their user experience.

A/B Testing

We often use split testing to determine how small differences in a marketing campaign or on a website might influence potential patient behavior.

Evaluating KPIs

Key performance indicators are quantifiable metrics that reflects how well our organization is achieving our agreed upon goals and objectives.