
Why Maintaining an Orthodontic Blog is So Important

If you’ve found your rhythm for posting quality content on your blog on a regular basis, then you’re on the road to better SEO and better sales. In fact, content marketing for your orthodontic practice is so effective, you’ve probably already seen your patient list grow. However, if you’re at this point, there is still work to do when it comes to improving your orthodontic blog. To improve your SEO and optimize your content, you’ll need to maintain your blog as well.

Updated Content Improves SEO

Most search engines, including Google, prioritize websites that stay updated and maintained as opposed to websites that are stagnant. Adding new posts to your blog is just one ingredient to improving your SEO. To boost your rankings even more, take a look at your old blog posts and see where you can improve them. Research the most up-to-date trending keywords; they could be different from the keywords you included in the text, meta title, and meta description. These changes will help your rankings by both containing high-volume search terms and the simple fact the page was updated. You can also improve the performance of your blog in other ways.

Make Sure Links Still Work

This can be done by finding the highlighted links in each post and clicking them to see if the links still work, or there are programs available that will check your website and blog for broken links. It’s very possible that the pages you linked to originally are now gone or have been renamed. If you’re going to make your linking strategy effective, you’ll need to replace broken links with ones that work.

Keep Your Content Up to Date

If you’ve been running your blog for a good amount of time, it’s possible some of your information might be dated. Best practices can change quickly as research discovers new findings about braces and orthodontic treatment. Some of your earlier blogs could contain information that has since been found to be false or tips that are no longer valid. Your products and services may have also changed since a post was written. If you go back and read your old blog posts, you may find some of them need to be updated or deleted entirely.

Fix Underperforming Blogs

When you look at your analytics data, you might find a few of your blogs have some issues. Some of them might fail to drive more web traffic while others may have a high bounce rate. Perhaps users stay on the blog post long enough to read it but don’t click any links or take a desired action.

Make sure each post on your blog is tailored to reach your goals. Maybe you need to include more relevant keywords or improve the title. Perhaps the content itself just needs more revising to be engaging to the readers. Whatever the case may be, if you make those improvements on the post it should start to perform better.

Make Changes to High-Performing Blogs

Wait, whatever happened to “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?” Why change a blog if it’s performing well? While there’s no reason to “fix” a blog if it is doing well, you can make it achieve more goals if it is gaining a lot of traffic. For instance, a blog post could be ranking really high and getting a lot of clicks, but the links you included may not be leading to conversions. Switch up your links to better guide readers through the sales funnel. It will also be worth it to do a quick edit to fix any remaining issues in grammar or clarity to boost the blog’s performance even more.

By keeping your orthodontic blog well maintained, you will optimize your content marketing not just for good success, but the best success.

Ortho Sales Engine specializes in marketing solutions for orthodontists, combines more than 20 in-house services to create customized, repeatable marketing systems, and serves as a trusted partner to doctors and their teams. To learn more or schedule a free consultation, visit