Your Total Practice Transformation Team
Sometimes you need more than just marketing to give your bottom line a boost. Our comprehensive transformation program will change how you get new starts and empower your team to convert cold and warm leads into patients.
Guaranteed Return on Investment
Plus 6 CE Credits for TCs
We only allow 10 practices to participate every 90 days. This enrollment period ends on May 31st.
It’s as Easy as 1-2-3
OrthoThrive has combined three industry leaders to bring more leads and new starts to your practice in three steps.
Step 1: Finding potential patients
It isn’t just about making people aware of your practice, it’s about finding people who need your services and convincing them your office is where they need to be. In this step you will:
- Gain an understanding of who you should be targeting with patient personas
- Receive a custom-made marketing plan to help you reach these ideal patients
- Reap the benefits of Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads tailored to your practice
- Have a free customer management system established as a place to gather and follow up with leads
- Experience the convenience and ROI of nurturing leads with automated email campaigns
- See the results of these efforts in monthly analytical reports

Richie Guerzon | Co-Founder, Ortho Sales Engine
Richie Guerzon is the co-founder of Ortho Sales Engine and serves as Director of Marketing Technology. He also hosts OrthoThrive, a web series and podcast for orthodontists. As a partner in two successful marketing firms and a black belt in Lean Six Sigma, Richie has worked with clients ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies.
Richie is currently the Director of Marketing Technology for Bliss, which provides over 100 free classes per month to the public. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from the College of Charleston and is a former manager and data analyst with Boeing, South Carolina.
Step 2: Getting them to say “Yes!”
When initial consultations don’t convert, Money is left on the table and people are still walking around with a mouthful of problems. Stop looking at industry standards and see the situation from the consumer's perspective. In Step 3, we’ll:
- Get to know you better by having you fill out a quick Google Form.
- Start by setting achievable goals. Clear expectations will be outlined and implementation strategy will be provided.
- Conduct a virtual consult assessment to identify your order of operation, skillsets, the performance gaps, and discover where you shine!
- Review assessment feedback in a virtual meeting with TCs and doctors.
- Provide five customized virtual training sessions for TCs (for this offer, TCs from each office will be trained together) over the 90-day period.
Just like orthodontic treatment, this too is a partnership, and I need your "compliance" for us to reach your goals, but I KNOW you can do it! Trust me, I know how busy you are at this moment. That is why I have created simple (small) steps that will be customized for you. My program will increase consult confidence, practice revenue and improve overall patient satisfaction while slaying your days like a boss!
How are we going to reach your goals? Partnership and accountability.
Laura Cafik-Martin | CEO, Cafik-Martin Coaching
Laura has spent her career intentionally changing the consult game to simplify how we help people. Practicing as a TC alongside one of the highest acclaimed orthodontic educators, Dr. Willy Dayan in Toronto, for nearly two decades provided her with substantial insight.
Laura is a certified dental assistant who is part of the TC Faculty Team with Align Technology. She has added over 120 lecturing/coaching/ in-office training engagements since first sharing her expertise in 2014.
In 2019 she started Cafik-Martin Coaching, transforming TCs into the industry's top specialists who smash records and bring immense value to the practice and their patient. Laura's knowledge of Invisalign® and orthodontics biomechanics is superior and she has been accredited with maximum sales in the businesses of those under her tutelage. Laura's motivational skills and techniques have improved team synergy, patient experience, and increased referral flow.

Step 3: Generating more starts from exams already performed
Most TCs are wearing multiple hats, they are seriously overwhelmed and therefore not even close to following up with all of your pending exams that are still very interested in starting treatment with you.
Is this simply a cost of doing business or actually costing you a tremendous amount of business?
If you answered the latter, you're correct.
Our exclusive done-for-you follow-up service converts $250K per year on average from pending exams that have:
- Fallen through the cracks and never been followed up with
- Only received one follow-up attempt but require multiple follow-up efforts
- Never responded to your follow-up efforts
- Never been heard from since their exam and have been written off as no longer interested
We provide the tools for your TCs to be able to manage and track your pending exams while actively scheduling all required future follow-up actions.

Eric Romingquet | Founder,
In 2011, Eric was hired as a consultant by an orthodontist to help turn her practice around. As an automotive veteran of over 25 years specializing in running high-line auto groups, he quickly realized the orthodontic industry was in fact a retail operation as well. What was supposed to be a six-month consulting agreement turned into him taking over the day-to-day operations for the next seven years. His passion for running businesses and his deep knowledge of how the culture, reputation, people and processes factor into getting results allowed the practice and the entire team to thrive.
Since successfully taking the practice to market, he now shares his proven winning formula with other orthodontists.
The proof is in the numbers
% Increase in New Starts YOY
Invisalign Share of Chair
Engaged Leads in CRM
Starts in One Month
Milnor Orthodontics
Dr. Milnor hired Ortho Sales Engine to rebuild her website and manage various marketing activity previously done in-house. The goal was to increase their patient load by 5 to 10 starts per month and focus on increasing the share of chair with Invisalign and custom braces.
Charleston Orthodontic Specialists
When Dr. Savastano sold a successful practice in Orlando, FL, and moved his family to Charleston, SC, his goal was to become the top orthodontist in the Lowcountry. A website, logo and identity had been created, but his new brand needed to become known to the community to generate immediate sales and strengthened organically over time to continue to grow the business. He engaged OSE to handle all remaining marketing tasks as turnkey as possible.
New Patients in 3 Years
Engaged Leads in CRM
Fans on Social Media
MQ Leads in One Month
Increase in Lead to Patient Conversion
Increased Organic Site Traffic
Increase Google Ads Traffic
Email Engagement Increase
Warren Orthodontics
Dr. Warren was a high energy doctor with a great staff and location who was looking to recover from a slow year and start aggressively growing his business. He needed a full-service agency to do as much marketing as possible so he could focus on running the business and taking care of his patients.
Queensway Orthodontics
Queensway Orthodontics was looking to improve their TC’s relationship building, communication and sales skills, as well as increase her consult confidence, so they reached out to Cafik Martin Consulting and signed up for the 12-Month TC Transformation Program.
Average monthly starts increase from
40 to 90
Highest monthly starts increase
Added monthly income
Increase in overall starts
Additional future income
Dr. Stephen Schalk
Dr. Stephen Schalk wanted to increase his TC’s sales skills and consult confidence to help get to the yes faster and more predictably, so he enrolled her in the Cafik Martin Consulting 12-Month TC Transformation Program.
Dr. Jensen
Dr. Jensen attended one of Eric’s webinars and was reminded that using a manual spreadsheet to manage his pending exams and follow up process was never going to be sustainable if he wanted to grow.
Extra Starts
Extra Starts
Extra Starts
Extra Starts
Dr. Parsi
Dr. Parsi used the Txconverter analysis tool and the results made it clear there was a bigger challenge with their follow up process than she originally thought.